Os Barbapapas

Sunday 23/06

Start: 17:30

Where Tropicália meets Exotica

Brazilian band “Os Barbapapas” are coming straight from the creative hotbeds of the megalopolis São Paulo to Europe this summer to promote their new album Enigma (Fun In The Church/Berlin). It looks like there is a good reason why this collective is named after the famous cartoon from the 1970s. Like true musical shapeshifters, they create a surprising repertoire where tropicália, afrobeat and easy listening sounds blend effortlessly, led by an enchanting glass harp player. A glass harp....? Yes a glass harp! Also known as musical glasses, singing glasses, angelic organ or spirit violin. A musical instrument made of upright wine glasses that allows you to reproduce crystal-clear whistles. The timbre is determined by the shape of the glass and the amount of liquor in the glass.
The Barbapapas are unconventional, witty and do not allow themselves to be pigeonholed. They have traveled to Morocco to learn gnawa, played in various circuses and build their own instruments. With their new album Enigma, they bring together different sounds and musical styles with an almost interplanetary diplomacy.

