Sunday 03/07
Sunday July 3 2022 in Oosterpark / World Stage, Amsterdam
Start: 19:15
Warm blooded sounds from Bahia to Angola to Cape Verde to New Orleans, with a Mediterranean twist
Ayom is the God of music, who taught the people how to make music, according to the mythology of the Afro-Brazilian Candomblé tradition. It is also the name of the band of Brazilian singer Jabu Morales and Italian musicians Alberto and Timoteo Grignani.
Ayom's influences follow the traces of the African diaspora with a strong Mediterranean element. From Portugal to Cape Verde, to Angola to Bahia and New Orleans, mixed with Spanish and Italian elements. Played with an irresistible swing, their songs sound "like a tropical sun breaking through the gray cloud cover."
Oosterpark / World Stage

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